Thursday, November 19, 2015

Boys in Movies Exhibition

My VoiceThread can be found here! (or copy and paste:

Curatorial Statement:

The overall theme and title for this exhibition is "Boys in Movies." Often we think of how girls are affected by the things they see on TV and feel as though they are pressured into being skinny or popular, but this tends to leave boys out. I wanted to highlight the way that males are shaped by children's movies in spelling out who they should be based on their body type. Stereotypes of different body types in males should be broken through this collection and children viewing it should start to realize that some aspects of humor in the films shown is at the expense of others in the real world. Hopefully through this exhibition, boys and girls alike will find that a male who is the typical depiction of masculinity in films is not the only way to be a man.

Find Card:

Find something in this exhibition that made you laugh! Why did you find it funny? Who might not find it funny?

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